Page name: Pumpkin Castle [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-25 01:36:13
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
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Welcome to the humble
Pumpkin Castle


Here reside the the happy resisdents of Pumpkin Land.
Yes. You got it right. Everybody in Pumpkin Land lives here.
There is no Pumpkin Town!

If you want to be one of the residents here. Feel free to send a messege and comment to Chancellor, [Shatureel].

The Pumpkin Castle and all Pumpkin Land need users to participate (if they can) and be served and to share happy things in life.
After all, this is Pumpkin Land!!!

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2006-03-02 [DRACE]: *grabs [Firenze]'s finger and bites it*

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: *giggles and licks [DRACE]'s nose*

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: o.O *lets go of the finger and goes crosseyed as he tries to look at were he was licked*

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: *giggles even more and jumps on you wrapping my arms and legs around you, giving you a big hug*

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: o.o *doesn't know what to do... but decides to hug back*

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: *has gone mad and is in a generally bouncy happy mood* You're cute :P

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: *turns up his bottom lip* I sh not cute *whimpers*

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: Awwwww...*licks your nose again* Yesh you are

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: no I'm not, I ish handsome *nods*

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: Indeeds *waves at my dragon* dragon is grumpy, bloody thing...

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: well u do continuely chase after me, maybe it likes me *laughs*

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: Never considered that he might be jealous

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: lol, well anyways... *waves to [Firenze] as he fades away, like smoke in the wind*

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: *falls on ass* You ass

2006-03-03 [DRACE]: *reappeas trying not to laugh, as he helps [Firenze] to her feet*

2006-03-03 [Firenze]: *smiles* Thank you *pouts and then pokes [DRACE]'s belly*

2006-03-03 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hiyall *interups* muahaha

2006-03-03 [RIFT KEEPER]: *throws a rock melon at [Sexual;Spasm___x]*

2006-03-04 [DRACE]: *jumps up and catchs the rock melon in his mouth... sits on the ground munching it*

2006-03-05 [RIFT KEEPER]: *chuckles and walks away*

2006-03-05 [Firenze]: [DRACE] you're a pig eating like that

2006-03-06 [honey bunny]: *hands [DRACE] a napkin*be nice little drace man

2006-03-06 [DRACE]: *eats the napkin too*

2006-03-06 [Firenze]: You is a pig [DRACE] you didn't even offer anyone some :(

2006-03-06 [DRACE]: *scampers over too [Firenze], looks up at her grinning and licking his lips, getting ready to eat her too*

2006-03-06 [Firenze]: *shoves a rock in his gob* Eat that

2006-03-07 [DRACE]: o.O

2006-03-07 [DRACE]: *shrugs, eats the rock*

2006-03-07 [Firenze]: *smiles* Try and eat me and you'll be off for the worst

2006-03-07 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *smiles* helloha everybody, feeding tyme!!!! *eats flowers* woww

2006-03-08 [former user#5]: is it MJ's flower?? ^_^

2006-03-08 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: no

2006-03-09 [DRACE]: awww but [Firenze] I promise to be gentle, I won't hurt u, u can trust me... *goes all puppy eyed*

2006-03-09 [Firenze]: That is the biggest pile of crap I have ever heard *pokes [DRACE] with a stick*

2006-03-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: omg that sounded as tho yew were trying tooh never mind lmao

2006-03-09 [DRACE]: awww but [Firenze] if u r worried, your partner can watch too... *grins innocently*

2006-03-09 [Firenze]: Bog off grimbo...go and have fun with your chum [Sexual;Spasm___x]

2006-03-09 [DRACE]: *whimpers, stands up and hugs [Firenze], starts walking away, stops and turns, says, 'well my services r always open for u', turns and keeps walking*

2006-03-09 [Firenze]: Awwwwww...*does a little dragon magic and makes [DRACE]'s tail turn from fur to bright blue scales, then points and laughs*

2006-03-09 [DRACE]: haha jokes on u, I like blue *cradles his new tail, as he curls up on the couch and goes to sleep*

2006-03-09 [Firenze]: *makes his tail turn bogey green*

2006-03-10 [RIFT KEEPER]: *wakes up and stares at his tail... starts to growl and goes looking for [Firenze]*

2006-03-10 [DRACE]: okay maybe I should delete Riff's account, cause he sent me an sms last night and said he won't be around my way for about 6 months now >.<

2006-03-10 [Firenze]: *sits on a cliff and laughs*

2006-03-10 [DRACE]: what 5 real animals would u like to be able to morph into and what 5 mythical ones would u like to beable to morph into? o.O

2006-03-10 [DRACE]: mine r as follows...: wolf, hare, bat, bore & croc... myth - blue dragon of ice, Red dragonman (( halfbreed )), gothic black dragon (( wears armor )), phoenix and a goat man thingy (( goat legs and horns, but the upper body is a man, like that little trainer of hercles in the disney cartoon version ))

2006-03-10 [Firenze]: Mine would be: A wolf, a hawk, a white tiger and a great white shark, mythical-wise: Dragon, wood nympth, a fairy and sphnix

2006-03-10 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: ooh this convo afain

2006-03-11 [kittykittykitty]: black cat, white cat, red cat, green cat, purple cat..... or flying angel kitty, squelger, hippokitty, blumnm and [DRACE]

2006-03-11 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: lolol!

2006-03-12 [DRACE]: heeey o.O I didn't know u liked wolfman... lol

2006-03-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *cough* huh?

2006-03-13 [DRACE]: <<<< the name I have is of my comic book character, he is a wolfman and by the way its also my trademark name so blah

2006-03-13 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: really? huh how uhm drace like? uynno

2006-03-13 [kittykittykitty]: wolfeee!

2006-03-14 [DRACE]: *wonders over to [kittykittykitty] growling, then pounces on her tail playfuly*

2006-03-15 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *waves* yo

2006-03-16 [kittykittykitty]: *paws at [DRACE], then clambers up the nearest tree*

2006-03-16 [DRACE]: *looks up at [kittykittykitty] whimpering, then curls up and sleeps at the base of the tree trunk and sleeps*

2006-03-16 [kittykittykitty]: *drops an acorn on [DRACE]'s head*

2006-03-17 [DRACE]: O.O *looks up whimpering* what was that for, I'm not gonna hurt u, I am to happy *walks away whimppering*

2006-03-17 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: helloa yawll

2006-03-18 [DRACE]: *yawns and stretches... scampers up a wall and across the celling, then drops down the light fixture, curls up and goes to sleep...*

2006-03-18 [Firenze]: *gets dragon to blow a steady flow of fire up to the light fixture where [DRACE] is sleeping*

2006-03-18 [DRACE]: *looks over the edge, starts growling than pisses over the edge*

2006-03-18 [Firenze]: Dracey to come play with me :(

2006-03-18 [DRACE]: nope, u tried to cook me, so no play *shakes his head and goes back to sleep*

2006-03-18 [Firenze]: *disappears and reappears on DRACE* Now play ^_^

2006-03-19 [DRACE]: o.o *grins evily, bites [Firenze]'s right hand hard and doesn't let go...* XP

2006-03-19 [Firenze]: *bites [DRACE]'s tail hard*

2006-03-19 [DRACE]: O.O *yelps and lets go, but in the split second of letting go, he fligs around and grabs onto [Firenze]'s face and tries to sufficate her*

2006-03-19 [Firenze]: *I like your hand or whatever you are trying to sufficate me with*

2006-03-19 [DRACE]: its not my hand sweety *grins innocently*

2006-03-19 [Firenze]: Ewwwwww...*spits and slaps you*

2006-03-19 [DRACE]: lol I wasn't meaning that, u were bitting my tail remember

2006-03-19 [Firenze]: Oh yeah...but I have a dirty mind >.< *Pulls out razor and shaves your tail*

2006-03-19 [DRACE]: first u make it go all scaly, now u shave it... o.O your weird... loveable, but weird

2006-03-19 [Firenze]: Yup and I am proud of my weirdness! *razor doesn't work, pulls out the wax*

2006-03-19 [DRACE]: now how did u know I was into that kind of pain, lays down and lets u use the wax* lol

2006-03-19 [Firenze]: *grins* I have no idea you liked being waxed...maybe I should give you a full body wax!

2006-03-19 [DRACE]: oh baby, would u realy... *takes off his clothing to help* lol

2006-03-19 [Firenze]: You would almost human then :P *puts the wax on his back and places the strip on and rips it off*

2006-03-19 [DRACE]: *squeals with delite*

2006-03-19 [Firenze]: *smiles* You know once all the hair and scales have gone, you can be burnt to a crisp by my dragon

2006-03-19 [DRACE]: o.o *concentrates and more hair pops out of his skin like curly plants* XP

2006-03-19 [Firenze]: would have to log me off

2006-03-20 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: like omg bonding loooong uhm yeah well duhh me ok then


2006-03-21 [Firenze]: *waxes [DRACE] again*

2006-03-21 [former user#5]: can i rip it this time? can i? can i?

2006-03-21 [Firenze]: Yes you can ^_^

2006-03-22 [RIFT KEEPER]: no more hurting of Drace, I think he likes it

2006-03-22 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: uhm *cough*

2006-03-22 [Firenze]: [DRACE] said I could wax his back because he liked it and a bare DRACE is cooler than a furry one ^_^

2006-03-23 [honey bunny]: I agree with Rift be nice to Drace

2006-03-23 [Firenze]: [DRACE] said I could do it, so until DRACE tells me otherwise I am happy to wax him :p

2006-03-23 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: wax?! waxin eh?! well dracaena is a dragon plant. thort yewd like to know

2006-03-23 [Firenze]: Yeah but wax rips off practically anything and if I can't it off, then duck tape is next :p

2006-03-23 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: try money poo. it works fabby. honest. i havnt


of corse but yknow.....:S

2006-03-23 [Firenze]: never works :P

2006-03-23 [DRACE]: no more waxing meh *picks uphis fur and walks away*

2006-03-23 [Firenze]: Okie Doke *smiles and runs after [DRACE] with some new clothes*

2006-03-23 [DRACE]: o.O *looks at [Firenze]*

2006-03-23 [Firenze]: Put them on, nobody wants to see a furless/scaleless [DRACE]

2006-03-24 [kittykittykitty]: I likes furry [DRACE] better *finishes knitting him a cat outfit with ears and a tail* there ya go you can be a kitty like me =^_^=

2006-03-24 [DRACE]: ... *says in a cranky voice, 'call me cute and die'... than sees something move, wiggles his bum like a cat and pounces on it*

2006-03-24 [kittykittykitty]: hey that's my tail! *pounces on him and starts nibbling his ears*

2006-03-24 [DRACE]: *yelps, bats [kittykittykitty] with his paw and curls up into a ball*

2006-03-24 [kittykittykitty]: *flies across the room and lands on her derriere* owwie ya big meanie *sticks out tongue*

2006-03-24 [DRACE]: *looks up and smiles, but doesn't get up cause is to comfy, so he looks at [kittykittykitty] upside down*

2006-03-24 [kittykittykitty]: *rolls over on her back to look at [DRACE] right ways up* how comes you always end up lying on the floor?

2006-03-24 [DRACE]: cause I like it here... I sleep on the floor alot in real life too *wiggles over to [kittykittykitty] on his back, wraps around her and cuddles*

2006-03-24 [kittykittykitty]: ^_^ *reiterates the super cuddles and takes a nap*

2006-03-25 [skullhead]: People the voting has started for Best Wiki Award make an effort

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: Auto Exhaust Flame Thrower - what could possibly go wrong... o.O

2006-03-25 [honey bunny]: *looks at [DRACE] laughing* what are you doing

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: eh just messing around with some files I found on this site and it says how to make an auto exhaust flame thrower o.O

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: eh anyways, any of u know [The Fantastic Elk]? o.O

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: he sent me this message -> Knock that fucken shit off in that wiki. Im fucking serious dude. Grow up and quit acting like a fucken KID dammit.

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: and I sent this back to him -> if u don't like it, than take it up with the guards or ignore it, if not well thats not my problem now is it, just because I have imagination and u don't

2006-03-25 [DRACE]: I mean don't ya just hate people like that, if their not having fun its like they think they can make others not have fun like them - lol what a tool

2006-03-25 [kittykittykitty]: I agree.. like why does he hate the queen of England, when he doesn't even like it England moron... He doesn't like kitties either *hides*

2006-03-25 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: omfg

2006-03-26 [DRACE]: *puts [kittykittykitty] into his pocket to keep her safe*

2006-03-26 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: lol

2006-03-26 [kittykittykitty]: *shocked* i've found [DRACE]'s secret porno stash... in his pocket O_O

2006-03-27 [honey bunny]: who or what is [The Fantastic Elk] and what has he done?

2006-03-27 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: um hes done something? when? where? who? what? why? huh?

2006-03-27 [DRACE]: read my diary and u will see...... anyways he pissed me the f#ck right off

2006-03-27 [former user#5]: just ignore him. he's an idiot. one of those who don't know what to do in their spare time

2006-03-27 [devilock]: he's right. just ignore that ***tard ->it's not mustard!

2006-03-28 [Fallen Child Athena]: agreed

2006-03-28 [former user#4]: i second to that. just ignore it man. don't let yourself get influence by his hypocrisy

2006-03-28 [DRACE]: meh, its not my problem the tool don't have an imagination... mind u I think I have to much imagination ~_~

2006-03-28 [former user#2]: i bet you do!

2006-03-29 [DRACE]: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sushi *drools*

2006-03-30 [honey bunny]: ewwww sushi

2006-03-30 [DRACE]: don't knock sushi, have u ever had it before? o.O

2006-03-31 [honey bunny]: yep...ewwwwww

2006-03-31 [former user#2]: double ewww

2006-03-31 [devilock]: thanks but no thanks

2006-04-01 [DRACE]: believe it or not, it is alot more healthy then the crap that is sold at the supermarkets

2006-04-04 [kittykittykitty]: but think of the poor wickle fishies -_-'

2006-04-04 [DRACE]: let me guess your meals consist of vegies?

2006-04-04 [Firenze]: and chips *grins*

2006-04-04 [former user#5]: *wonders* what happened to [crazycookie], the princess, the prince, mage [black_rose], the Chamberlain?

2006-04-04 [Firenze]: Maybe they have gone for a quickie :P

2006-04-04 [DRACE]: o0o0o0o0o0 *takes photos*

2006-04-05 [kittykittykitty]: *thinks about vegetables* yummy... *looks at [DRACE] taking photos of imaginary people, and shakes head* i have been wondering too where some of the people on royal pumpkin family have been...

2006-04-05 [former user#2]: if there are any who wants to take their place and turn them in to Pumpkin Towners let's invite some of your friends(friends? i dont have any*cries*)

2006-04-05 [former user#2]: but let's ask the queen first or the Chancellor

2006-04-05 [kittykittykitty]: well... there's still wanna be pumpkins, which I think is better (shows a little more effort), but the royal pumkin family could be updated because some people don't come here anymore

2006-04-05 [former user#4]: that's right

2006-04-06 [DRACE]: hmmm to bad I don't like being on it... eh I feel trapped if I ish a member ~_~

2006-04-06 [honey bunny]: who doesn't come anymore kittykitty

2006-04-07 [DRACE]: u forgot the [ ] and the extra kitty lol sorries I am annoying and Iloves it ^__________^

2006-04-07 [honey bunny]: I knew bet I was in bitchy mood at the time?

2006-04-08 [kittykittykitty]: well... there are some people there I have never seen comment on the page in the months I have been here. I don't know if you would want to delete them though...

2006-04-08 [former user#5]: yes there are a lot of them. i wonder what has happened?

2006-04-09 [DRACE]: they saw me and ran away ~_~

2006-04-09 [former user#2]: *tripps [DRACE]*

2006-04-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hi

2006-04-10 [DRACE]: *swats [former user#2] with a rolled up magizine*

2006-04-10 [honey bunny]: *Looks over at HBH and [Drace}*no that is not it now you two play nice

2006-04-10 [former user#2]: *sob* he started it first. *turns around and heads back to his cove to get a lot of rest*

2006-04-11 [DRACE]: *grins evily, throws his boomarang after [former user#2]*

2006-04-11 [former user#2]: *crouches* well here you are! *puts back wodden leg to it's proper place* now i can walk better *turns around watching the boomerang as it returns to [DRACE]*

2006-04-12 [honey bunny]: [DRACE] I said to play nice..that was not nice

2006-04-12 [DRACE]: *smirks, catchs his boomerang and returns to his den, turns his music up high, takes a few swings at his punching bag*

2006-04-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: uhm o...k........ =D =]

2006-04-12 [former user#2]: <img:> ...and where are you going?

2006-04-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: me? going? not me. noooow

2006-04-14 [DRACE]: *walks back into the castle and lets loose with his alien army* (>..<>) (<>..<>) (<>..<) *hides in the roof and watchs*

2006-04-14 [former user#2]: <img:>

2006-04-15 [honey bunny]: *walks in just as alien army invades* HELP!!!!!

2006-04-16 [DRACE]: *calls off his alien army from where he is sitting in the rafters*

2006-04-17 [honey bunny]: *looks up* thank you [DRACE] they seems to want to carry me off from here

2006-04-17 [DRACE]: thats not all there orders were.. I mean what THEY wanted to do to u... *grins innocently, as he moves through the rafters*

2006-04-17 [honey bunny]: *looks up* and exactly what were their orders?

2006-04-18 [DRACE]: heh, well your not going to get it out of me that easily... or in here, i do not wish to 'SOIL', the castle with my filth - lol ^_~

2006-04-18 [RIFT KEEPER]: u filthy bugger [DRACE]

2006-04-19 [DRACE]: hehe

2006-04-20 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hi. nice conversation as usual i see

2006-04-20 [DRACE]: *grins innocently... moves throgh the long grass, slowly stalking [Sexual;Spasm___x]... prepares to pounce, but sees a criket move out of the corner of his eye and pounces on it and gobbles it down...*

2006-04-21 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *runs away from the weirdo who eats crikets* theyre disgustin and taste minginginging and the only good reason to eat em is coz they make irritating noises

2006-04-21 [DRACE]: *sneezes and bits of the criket fly out his nose all covered in boogies*

2006-04-21 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hi

2006-04-22 [DRACE]: hello EMO

2006-04-24 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hello drace. did u know that dracena is a plant. moo.

2006-04-24 [DRACE]: yes ~_~ one of my friends is a bloody plant lover kinda person, anyways

2006-04-24 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: cool. we have one in our bathroom at meh mums. well iunno if the plant is that, but the label sure says it

2006-04-25 [DRACE]: hmmm okay heres a weird name of a flower... 'UFO', it looks like those that grow on the passion fruit vines, but eh, anyways another is a 'forget-me-not' <<< can't remember if its a plant of just the flowers name ;_; and I ish bored ~_~

2006-04-25 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: forget-me-not rings einen bell

2006-04-25 [DRACE]: o.O eh???

2006-05-02 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: it just does, a bell that says: this comes from somewhere, but where? where? WHERE?

2006-05-02 [DRACE]: hmmm, well I checked it out and they r a realy flower name... weird huh... kinda like that sticky substance that forms from sweets melting in teh sun... now thats weird too

2006-05-02 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: cooooool. weird, but cool.

2006-05-02 [DRACE]: I got new pics up... *dances like an idiot*

2006-05-02 [kittykittykitty]: hehe that first picture you look so funny ^_^

2006-05-03 [DRACE]: *goes all red and says in a small voice, 'do not', then acts all shy like, looking at the floor*

2006-05-03 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: its scary, like you will kill someone, OMG YOU DID DIDNT YOU!

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